Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Algeria : Algerian Military


 Budget: $10.5 billion
 Total personnel: 792,350
 Active personnel: 520,000
 Reserve personnel: 272,350
 1.9679% of total population
Total aircrafts: 502,
 Total tanks: 2,405,
 Total naval assets: 85
 Algeria, a land of resources: 9th largest reserves of gas, and 2nd largest oil reserves in Africa (16th largest in the world). A land full of resources like Algeria must has a military to protect its country from the nations who kept eyes on others resources, and so do Algeria has. Besides the numbers of jet, Algerian Air Force possess some state-of-the-art Russians jets like: Sukhoi 30, 34, and 35 (Sukhoi 34 and 35 are on order). All this made Algeria second best military in African continent behind Egypt.

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