Wednesday, November 28, 2018

India : Indian Military


 Budget: $51 billion
 Total personnel: 4,207,250
 Active personnel: 1,362,500
Reserve personnel: 2,844,750
 0.3320% of total population
Total aircrafts: 2,102,
 Total tanks: 4,426,
Total naval assets: 295
 Aircraft carriers: 1

 India a South Asian state, got its independence in August 15, 1947, from British. India is a nuclear power state. India has large fleet of tanks for protecting its vast land area and gained air superiority from Russian made Sukhoi variants. But this is a true and a sour true for Indians that the country (India) five times powerful than its enemy Pakistan , always got a bad war experience with heavy life loss as well as financially except 1971 war , which was fought against Pakistan by Indian army and the Mukti Bahini , also known as the Bangladesh forces . But in other war Pakistan won wars tactically.
The suicide ratio in Indian army is too high (also known as the highest ratio in the world ).  Over 360 Indian soldiers committed suicide since 2014.
According to the latest government figures, since 2001, 1,862 soldiers from the army, navy and air force have killed themselves while 127 have lost their lives in cases of fratricide - soldiers killing colleagues. Former Indian army officers have blamed "a lack of discipline" and "poor leadership" in the forces for more than 1,862 suicides by soldiers since 2001.

Indian Army Major Anita Kumari allegedly committed suicide by shooting herself with her personal weapon.
Prima facie she shot herself on the intervening night of December 14-15. The officer did not come to the unit and no one was aware about her whereabouts till her neighbours broke the door.

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